Regulations for classes at BG AMU
Regulations of educational activities in the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań effective from October 25, 2022.
- Classes are conducted from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm.
- Current educational offerings can be found on the website under the education tab.
- Reservations for classes should be made via the application form.
- Completion of the form signifies an application for participation in classes and does not constitute a reservation of a date. Confirmation of the reservation or information about available class dates will be forwarded to the e-mail address indicated in the application form.
- The minimum number of participants in the classes is 10 people. In case of a smaller number of applicants, the cost of classes for a group is equal to the price paid by a group of ten.
- The fee for participation in the classes should be paid at the end of the class in cash to the class instructor, receiving a payment receipt (receipt).It is advisable to prepare the deducted amount. You can also make payment by bank transfer. It is not possible to pay by card.
- A. Mickiewicz University does not issue simplified invoices. You can receive a transfer invoice after the implementation of the classes. It will be sent by snail mail. The data necessary for issuing an invoice should be entered in the application form.
- The maximum group size is 25 people. In the case of a larger number of participants or due to the special type of classes, a subgroup division may be implemented.
- Parents do not participate in children’s activities unless they act as chaperones for the group.
- If the group is late, the class may be shortened by the time of tardiness, without changing the cost of the class.
- The group enters or enters the grounds of the UAM Botanical Garden through the service gate at the gatehouse from Dabrowskiego Street (entrance between the Energy Technical School and the Botanical Garden – map). Classes begin in the Exposition and Teaching Pavilion.
- It is not possible to park a coach on the grounds of the UAM Botanical Garden. The coach may enter the Garden through the service gate only for the time of leaving or picking up the group.
- Participants’ clothing and footwear should be appropriate for field activities, season and weather conditions.
- In case of unfavorable weather conditions, the instructor has the right to change the topic of the class or part of it.
- Educators are solely responsible for the substantive course of the classes. Responsibility for the behavior and safety of participants is borne by the guardians of the groups.
- Reservation of classes implies acceptance of the Rules and Regulations of visiting the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Rules and Regulations of educational classes and the information clause on personal data processing.
- In case of non-compliance of the participants with the Rules of the tour, the instructor has the right to discontinue the class without refund.
- The UAM Botanical Garden reserves the right to cancel educational classes in the event of events that pose a threat to the people in the Garden or make it impossible to conduct classes.
- In matters not regulated by the regulations, binding decisions are made by the director of the UAM Botanical Garden.