Photo and video sessions

The Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan is an ideal place to hold a photo session at almost any time of the year. When the Garden awakens to life in spring, and the sun’s rays gently glide between the developing young leaves, the scenery takes on a fairy-tale character. In the following months, more plant species bloom, and the park’s flowered green walls provide a beautiful backdrop. Autumn is a time of change. The leaves turn many colors. On the sunny days of true Polish autumn, the Garden is enveloped in a magical aura. And if we are lucky, in winter the Garden will cover itself with snow like a feather – becoming a real challenge for photographers. Every month the Garden delights with something and amazes. We invite you to take sessions in the Garden.

If you are interested in organizing a photo or film session at the Botanical Garden, please contact us and refer to the Garden’s price list and regulations.

Organization of photo/film sessions at the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

We kindly inform you that taking photographs for your own use as a souvenir of the Botanical Garden (including taking photographs to publish images on online blogs) does not require permission or payment of fees.

The organization of professional photo/video sessions (i.e., wedding, communion and other private sessions) and photo/video sessions conducted for commercial purposes (advertising sessions, sessions for publications, sessions for author’s portfolio) requires payment in accordance with the price list below.

 Net priceGross price to be paid
Occasional photo/film sessions (wedding sessions, communion sessions, other professional private sessions)PLN 100.00/dayPLN 123.00/day
Commercial photo/film shoots (advertising shoots, shoots for publications, shoots for author’s portfolio)PLN 250.00/hour.PLN 307.50/hr.

The fee according to the price list should be paid by bank transfer to:

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Wieniawskiego 1

61-712 Poznań

Santander Bank Polska S.A. 77 1090 1362 0000 0000 3601 7903

Title: photo session in OB, 706000/6301000000/522000/ZL000419

Proof of payment should be sent to: and present each time when requested by staff.

When photographing/filming, please observe the regulations for visitors and the following rules:

  1. Photo/film sessions can be held only during the opening hours of the UAM Botanical Garden.
  2. The timing of photo/video shoots taking place on the grounds of the Botanical Garden requires agreement with the Garden’s management each time.
  3. The intention to conduct a commercial photo/video session in the Garden must be notified at least two weeks before the scheduled date of the session.
  4. During photography and filming, the greenery and infrastructure in the Botanical Garden must not be damaged.
  5. The above-mentioned activities must not interfere with the sightseeing of other users of the Botanical Garden and must not hinder the operation of the facilities (e.g., maintenance, cleaning, implementation of educational activities, etc.).
  6. The Botanical Garden will charge the photographer/filmmaker for any damage during the course of photography/filming.
  7. The use of drones is prohibited in the Botanical Garden.