Wójtowicz W., 2009. Guidelines for exhibiting rare and endangered species in the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. [W:] Mirek Z., Nikel A. (eds.) Rare, relict and endangered plants and fungi in Poland. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków: 529-533.

Górska-Zajączkowska M., Wójtowicz W., 2005. Rare, endangered and legally protected plants in the collections of the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań. [W:] Czyżewska K., Hereźniak J. Biodiversity in relations to vegetation Zones in Europe: from Baltic Region to Carpathian Mountains. Polish – Lithuanian Conference, Poland, July 26-31, 2005. University of Łódź Publishing

Górska-Zajączkowska M., Wójtowicz W., 2005. Rare, endangered and legally protected plants in the collections of the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań. [W:] Czyżewska K., Hereźniak J. Biodiversity in relations to vegetation Zones in Europe: from Baltic Region to Carpathian Mountains. Polish – Lithuanian Conference, Poland, July 26-31, 2005. University of Łódź Publishing House, Łódź: 123-127.Read More »

Wójtowicz W., 2005. The educational value of collections of rare and endangered plants based on the example of the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań. [W:] Czyżewska K., Hereźniak J. Biodiversity in relations to vegetation Zones in Europe: from Baltic Region to Carpathian Mountains. Polish – Lithuanian Conference, Poland, July 26-31, 2005. University

Wójtowicz W., 2005. The educational value of collections of rare and endangered plants based on the example of the Botanical Garden of Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań. [W:] Czyżewska K., Hereźniak J. Biodiversity in relations to vegetation Zones in Europe: from Baltic Region to Carpathian Mountains. Polish – Lithuanian Conference, Poland, July 26-31, 2005. University of Łódź Publishing House, Łódź: 119-121.Read More »